ayyy! are we always on the same wavelength?! I was reading your fantastic post (you are SO SO talented) and thinking...I need to send her Allison Bornstein....and then you got to that part :D. I've been following her on TikTok for a while and only a few days ago decided to actually try to do the 3- word method for myself (I'm still getting there)...for now, 1-comfort 2-70s 3-rock'n'roll. I absolutely love your method and need to find my own alter ego. anyway, just wanted to let you know how thrilled I am to read your column every week, I wish we had been friends in hs bc you would've been THE COOLEST <3

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Yes! We're riding the finest wave in the cosmic sea, if you ask me. I can't believe the serendipity either sometimes...but it's all evidence of a soulfriendship at work. And I love your Three Words! You may have picked 70's for aspiration, but my dear, I think you already exude that tremendously! Let me know if you write yourself an alter ego; verrry fun. And phew! Ditto back at you on the coolness. We would've had a BALL in HS...

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